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The Tech Transparency Project is compiling in one place all communications between Google executives and US and European officials available through open-records requests. As of December 2016, this collection contains more than 43,000 pages of material. Let us know what you find by contacting us or tweeting it with the hashtag #TheGooglePapers. Researchers: Let us know if you have any documents you’d like to add to the collection.

Federal Agencies

State Governments

European Agencies



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May 16, 2023

YouTube says it delivers ‘responsible’ video recommendations. But its algorithms steered accounts for young gamers toward content on guns, school shootings, and a serial killer.

February 7, 2025

Palantir is poised to turbocharge its U.S. military sales in the Trump era. But it’s been laying the groundwork for a much deeper infiltration of Washington.

July 31, 2024

Meta says it prohibits ads that sell prescription and recreational drugs. But it’s approving drug dealer ads targeting users in multiple countries.

January 30, 2024

Meta gave the green light to teen-targeted ads for drug parties and anorexia that violated its policies and used images produced by its AI image generator.